Game Server Moonlight
Max Level: 55
Experience: x50 (x100 for PREMIUM SERVICE)
PT/Skill points/Force: x200
Animus: x1500
Drop rate: x5
Loot price: x10
Loot speed: x10

Ore Drops:
Ore +1/+2/+3 = May drop any kind of talic, T2, T3 and T4 gems

Monster Drops:
Bulky lunkers located in SETTE desert = May drop any kind of talic and T3 gems
Draco located in ELAN and BEAST MOUNTAIN = May drop any kind of talic and TALIC CRYSTALS
Naroom Crawler Captain and Kukra Vafer Captain = May drop Level 55 Type B (intense) weapons, armors, 40% attack and defense potions

PitBoss Drops:
HQ and Colonies' PitBoss = Elementals and any kind of talic
Elan PitBoss (except Soul Sinder, Dagan, Dagon and Dagnue) = May drop Level 55 Type C weapons, T4 gems and any kind of talic
Soul Cinder = May drop Relic weapom unsealer and Type D weapons
Dagan, Dagon and Dagnue = May drop Brother elementals, Legacy blade, any kind of talic and T4 gems
Izen Cracker and Thor = May drop Level 53 Type SP armors and sealed relic weapons

Cash Shop Items:
1. Potions: Burst, Protect, Smart, Cure, Stealth, Hissy, Bust Quickskill, BuildUp Protect, Bust Critical, BuildUp , Critical, Composed, Burst Protect, Quickskill, Teleport, Summon, BlessHP
2. Pitbosses' Scrolls
3. All types of Ammos
4. Amulets and rings for NEW players (Flame Draco and Blood Axe elementals); 1,000 Cash points each only
5. Socket extenders for ELIGIBLE weapons and armors
6. Lucky Boxes,Lucky Set of Gems (T5 gems)
7. Jades
8. Generators and Charms (1 piece works as 5 pieces (except for Charm of leader); having 2 or more pieces is the same as having 1 piece
And MANY more

1. HDH elementals can be bought from Moonlight Vote Shop
2. Hora Dark Hole Reward: 5 pcs. Booster Ability Box (for Level 55 Jetpack) and 1000 Contribution points. Also, last boss is replaced with an easier one
3. All players can see Chip HP during CW.
4. Unlocking quest for Level 50 is simplified.
5. Unsealed relics upgrades like Type C weapons.
6. Council armors are NOT AVAILABLE. All players have access to the same gear.
7. P.A.L.M.A.S armor bonuses removed. Mail and auction are disabled (Item/s will be lost if used with mail and auction).
9. Default storage password is: 0

*No crookedly made weapons and armors. ALL races and classes are balanced. All items in-game can be acquired through farm, NPC or Cash Shop.



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